Turning a siloed company into a single-minded brand

Landmark Information Group

Brand Content Digital Experiences UK

Landmark Information Group is the UK market leader in property and land data.

Through its diverse product and business offering, Landmark connects every part of the property transaction process to reduce the risk of transactions falling through or stalling.

Having grown for years through acquisition, Landmark needed to define a clear story that would articulate its united proposition to the market. The Landmark team also needed to reinvigorate their brand and visual identity to one that reflected this shift and have the ability to support them on their journey of transforming the complex property industry.


73% improvement of page load time

25% increase in site visitors viewing at least 3 pages


The property industry is in urgent need of change. The archaic property transaction adds needless cost and time, causing friction and even transactions falling through. There’s a slew of ‘proptech’ start-ups all saying they can fix the issue but this only creates more confusion. Landmark has the data, insights and capabilities to actually connect the entire transaction process as well as a solid track record and unbeatable industry expertise. Our brand strategy was to build on these foundations.


The new brand needed to unite Landmark’s strength, track record and history with its innovative and progressive outlook on the future.

It needed to flex across a number of different audiences and a range of different business units and products. It also needed to be inclusive – positioning Landmark as a facilitator at the centre of the industry.

The creative idea ‘on point for land and property’ articulated the rigour, precision and expertise that Landmark provides and it was the starting point from which the brand evolved visually: giving new purpose to a simple Landmark symbol ‘The Point’.


The new brand has marked a huge milestone in Landmark’s transformational journey – it is now the cornerstone to all new product launches and campaigns. It provides the foundational messaging and identity for the Landmark marketing teams to create communications consistency and cohesion across the business.

A new website with optimised user experience, SEO and a modern design clearly delivers the Landmark story and makes it easy for prospects, customers, partners and employees to quickly understand and navigate the diverse business.


  • Accelerated growth strategy and business transformation
  • 25% increase in site visitors viewing at least 3 pages
  • 73% improvement of page load time
  • Optimised the recruitment process
  • A new brand that employees are proud to be a part of

Working with Earnest has been like going on a great safari. The company was perfect, the lions turned up but didn’t eat anyone, and at the end the pictures and stories are everything we wanted.

Gavin Ray,
Chief Product Officer

There's more where this came from: