Rallying an entire industry behind brand-driven change
Landmark Information Group
Campaigns Content UKLandmark Information Group, the UK’s go-to partner for the property industry, created a powerful new digital platform to streamline property transactions.
With property transactions becoming longer and more frustrating than ever, Landmark has created LandmarkConnect – an information sharing platform that connects property professionals to the systems, data, and people they need to deliver faster, smoother transactions.
To stand out from the noise and show senior stakeholders that Landmark offer the best and most viable way to move things forward, Earnest helped them start a movement that empowers and empathises with property professionals.
5 leading industry publications ran headlines getting behind the campaign within a week of launch
300+ video views with 50% or more completion rate in the first week of launch
Positively received by Landmark stakeholders and staff as a best practice in campaigning
Landmark’s own research has shown that property transactions in the UK now take an average of 123 days – 64% longer than in 2007. This directly impacts all involved, creating frustrations not just with the process but between each other, resulting in an industry-wide blame game.
Our Vital Stats research also shows that B2B audiences are tired of samey-looking content that doesn’t deliver true insights. So instead of shying away from the friction, Landmark could approach it head-on and engage audiences by demonstrating real, attention-grabbing empathy.
Earnest developed a strategic campaign ‘Let’s move forward together’ to introduce Landmark’s new platform, and then turn awareness into advocacy – embedding LandmarkConnect in the property sector’s consciousness.
As part of this campaign, we created a compelling piece of top-of-funnel content that would give Landmark significant standout. We invited three strangers – a conveyancer, a lender, and an estate agent – to sit down together on camera to vent their frustrations and bring an end to the blame game by finding out where the common ground is.
The Common Ground film was promoted internally at a launch event and externally through teaser clips on social media, targeted email, and press activity. We also created a dedicated landing page and blog content to drive and capture interest.
Within the first week, our 15-minute film was viewed over 300 times, with a completion rate of 50% or more. Many industry professionals have shared the video, adding their own voices to the topic.
The campaign captured the interest of the industry media, making headlines in Legal Futures, Estate Agency Today, Inside Conveyancing, and Today’s Conveyancer.
The next phase of the campaign will include a webinar event to delve further into the issues and provide more opportunities for property professionals to have their say.
“We wanted to create a piece of thought-leadership content that would bring property professionals together from different areas of the market for an open and honest chat about their current challenges and priorities. Earnest provided creative direction, briefing packs, and managed all the on-set and post production set up. The result was a really powerful short film which told the story of the people working within the industry every day.”