Changing the conversation to invigorate customer attention


Campaigns Media US

Since being founded in 1934, Fujifilm has become renowned for innovation and quality, introducing numerous new products and technologies to the world.

And it continues to be a significant player in the global market – innovating in data storage tape solutions for businesses, including many of the hyperscalers that power our digital lives.

Fujifilm needed a campaign that brought the benefits of tape to life, reframing it in IT and data management professionals’ minds as a vital data storage solution for modern businesses.


1,600 qualified leads

49% increase in website visits

17.02% conversion rate increase

81% CTR increase in programmatic


To change the conversation about tape and reframe it in the minds of Fujifilm’s target audiences, we needed to articulate the message that tape isn’t competing to be the only data storage method that businesses use.

Rather, it’s a powerful, foundational tool that provides businesses with a range of benefits and is vital for taking archival data storage into the future


Tape is the hero of this whole campaign, so we developed a compelling creative platform to serve as this campaign’s central, organising thought – ‘Built on Tape.’

To support and deliver this, we created an attention-grabbing visual identity that portrays tape in a whole new way, using a graphical representation that gave it both standout visual appeal in the marketplace as well as unique ownability for Fujifilm.


The campaign was rolled out through highly-targeted paid media across LinkedIn, display, ‘community social’ that included Reddit and Quora, and niche publications such as Blocks and Files.

We also devised a lead nurture program focused on themes that covered audience-relevant themes such as sustainability and security, and sales enablement materials that included a 64-page sales playbook to engage and empower Fujifilm channel sales teams.

Our full-funnel content for the ‘Built on Tape’ campaign included:

  • The Expert Guide to Tape
  • Sector-specific case studies
  • Snackable content for social
  • Thought leadership webinar
  • Support for industry events