Positioning and launching cutting-edge services


Content Strategy UK

Positioning and launching cutting-edge services

Vodafone is much more than a mobile operator. It’s a leading technology communications company – with an expanding portfolio of digital services.

Earnest works with Vodafone Business in the UK and at Group-level to help bring these exciting new products and services to market – and position the brand as a go-to partner for businesses of all sizes.

We work collaboratively with teams across their business to build and articulate new clear and compelling propositions – informed by real market insight. We develop activation plans, assets and tools to help engage, educate and enable direct and indirect sales channels. We also work to create award-winning campaigns and content that drives real business results.


Results for our Software Defined Networking campaign:

50% over target for qualified leads

190% over target for innovation workshop sign-ups

Lowest cost per lead ever for a Vodafone Business campaign


Our starting point is always to understand the needs, behaviour and attitudes of the target audience – and who and what we’re competing with for their attention and budget.

It guides us as to when we need to do more convincing that technology, like 5G, is market-ready. Or when we need to do more to debunk and educate people around potentially complex but important shifts in approach, such as software-defined networking. Or when what really matters is being able to make a much-hyped technology, like Internet of Things, real and relevant to people in different roles and industries.


Borne out of insights, the propositions we develop aim to simplify, differentiate and compel people to act. We build out robust messaging frameworks that can be used to inform all communications moving forward – and shape these into creative platforms that really bring them to life. All the time, we seek to join up the story so different propositions can be combined to create a truly convincing case for businesses to choose Vodafone for more of their technology communications needs.


Together with Vodafone, we continue to innovate, experiment and learn – finding new and progressive ways to engage internal and external audiences. We developed the first weekly B2B Alexa Flash Briefing providing the latest news and developments in 5G. We created the Business Beyond Limits podcast series sharing real-life stories about how 5G and IoT are being used to make dangerous jobs safe, enable the autonomous vehicle revolution, and build trust in robotics. We also built an award-winning content marketing framework to enable multiple Vodafone markets to embrace inbound marketing.


Wherever possible we work with Vodafone to agree a clear set of KPIs for our programmes of activity – both quantitative and qualitative.

Earnest have surprised me time and again, that they are able to break the norm conventions when it really matters... they understand what I am trying to achieve within our Marketing Activation scope, and they are running right beside me on this journey.

Christina Chan
Head of Marketing Activation