Earnest Talks
Book a free Earnest Talk for a fresh burst of B2B knowhow – our expert sessions will tell you how to turn B2B marketing gobbledygook into gold.

Talk 1: Vital Stats
How to do different and save your marketing
Let’s decode the latest Vital Stats and uncover the secret to coming out on top. Book this talk to give your marketing strategy a well-informed shake-up.
Host: Jen Law, Senior Strategist
Most B2B marketers would agree that ‘stop-start’ is an accurate summation of this past year, while also being constantly asked to ‘do more with less’. That’s why now is the perfect time for a bit of ‘do different’ thinking.
Our Vital Stats talk gives you actionable advice for marketing in today’s competitive and expensive markets and channels – to buyers who are demanding more than ever. We’ll cover 6 key insights from Earnest’s newest Vital Stats report:
- Buyers are frustrated
- People trust peers
- Content needs a refresh
- AI has its place
- Marketers are change-resistant
- Creative isn’t cutting through
Book your in-person or online talk using the form at the bottom of this page.

Talk 2: 43% & Rising
How to make your business better for women
Let’s close the seniority gap for women in marketing. Book this talk to find out how you can support women in your business, in rising to the top.
Host: Beatrice Alabaster, Senior Strategist
In 2020, women made up 43% of CMOs, which sounds okay until you realise that women represent 61% of the marketing industry. Today, there are more women in positions of power than ever before, but a seniority gap still exists.
Our 43% and Rising talk discusses why that’s the case, including insights from our conversations with leading women in marketing, and offers actionable steps for closing the gap, such as:
- Catching talent earlier
- Redefining metrics for success
- Creating environments where women can thrive
Book your in-person or online talk using the form at the bottom of this page.

Talk 3: Contentiphoria
How to create content that doesn't waste you money
Let’s stop drowning in a sea of content. Book this talk to overcome your fears of wasting money on content that doesn’t work, and find out what content will.
As targets get bigger and margins get smaller, the fear of wasting money and time on content marketing can feel like too big a risk. But when this happens, opportunity goes out the window and potential customers are lost to your more engaging rivals.
The good news is: it’s not too late.
Our Contentiphoria talk helps you escape your fears by showing how to embrace a best-practice approach, understand the different roles of content across the buyer journey, and get inspired to deliver dazzling results and experience true contentiphoria.
Inside this talk:
- Escape your Contentiphobia
- The ten steps to Contentiphoria
- The four lives of the buyer
- Enlightened examples
- Now you are ready
- Further wisdom
Book your in-person or online talk using the form at the bottom of this page.

Talk 4: Changing of the Guard
How to speak the language of the new B2B gatekeepers
Let’s learn who today’s B2B buyers really are. Book this talk to adapt your marketing strategy to engage the millennial generation of decision-makers.
What does a B2B buyer look like to you? While they come in many shapes and sizes, 59% of B2B decision-makers are millennials, which means your marketing needs to speak their language.
Our Changing of the Guard talk explores 5 key insights into these buyers and gives you actionable methods to engage them. We’ll cover:
- How millennials live their lives
- What matters to millennials personally and professionally
- How millennials want to interact with you
Book your in-person or online talk using the form at the bottom of this page.

Talk 5: Behavioural Economics
How to be a marketer that buyers can't resist
Let’s pump neuroscience into your marketing strategy. Book this talk to understand why buyers behave the way they do and how to turn their heads.
Host: Chris Wilson, CEO
Marketing is the business of persuasion, whether it’s prompting email opens, whitepaper downloads, or video views, we’re ultimately on the hunt for buyers. We have analytics to tell us what’s working but we often don’t know why. Behavioural Economics mixes human psychology and neuroscience to answer that question, by testing decision making. This talk unpacks this Nobel Prize winning field of study, and gives you its scientific framework to use in marketing:
- Two systems of thinking: autopilot versus conscious decisions
- Framing: how context and a point of reference dictate our response
- Choice architecture: the issue of too much choice
- The risk imperative: the case for loss aversion over potential gains
- Decoding: how to decode brands and marketing communications
Book your in-person or online talk using the form at the bottom of this page.