BizSpeaktionary – conference calls assistance from Earnest Labs

Oh, you leave me tongue tied.

Now then, don’t get me wrong: we bloody love a good meeting. Live for ‘em, in fact. Relish a workshop. Salivate at the thought of a conference call. They really get us going.


Who amongst us has not nearly passed out from sheer boredom at some point during a pow-wow or a work-in-progress meeting? Those heavy eyelids. Awkward, violent paroxysms on the edge of sleep before the snap-back to consciousness.

Did they see you nodding off? Who knows.

Only thing is, now you have to say something. Argh!

The grim meat-hook terror of not knowing what to say next, while the EMEA Senior Vice President for FMCG on the other end of the conference calls waits expectantly.

What have you got to say for yourself? Literally nothing.

Anyway, we’ve got a thing to fix that and it’s called BizSpeaktionary.

Here it is.